SharePoint 2013 List Item Encryption Crack Free Download X64 [Updated] ⏫







SharePoint 2013 List Item Encryption Crack [Win/Mac] 2022

Saves the original input values
Passes the input values to the decrypt method
Fills the input fields with the encrypted values
Decrypts the input values
Saves the original input values


The javascript library and base64 encoding are not included. These must be copied to the \_Layouts folder and added to any web pages where the web part needs to be accessed.
The web part requires that a tag be used on each and every form/view that contains input fields to be encrypted

If you need help in adding the web part to each list or adding the  tag to each form, I can provide additional help.


Based on a quick look at the Sitecore documentation ( it would appear that this IS possible if there is a need. However, there is a hurdle as it’s unclear what the authentication and authorization would look like, as these items are related to user access to the site, not the list item itself. Without knowing what your website looks like in Sitecore, I’m not sure if that’s enough to get you what you need.
It’s a little unclear from the Sitecore document, but it appears that the encryption code is related to the Sitecore Rich Text Editor, which is a WYSIWYG Editor and hence you can’t encrypt items in there as the HTML and CSS is not in tact. Maybe there is a way to make the WYSIWYG Editor encrypt items, but it’s not clear. I would suggest looking at an Editor extension such as RichEditor Advanced or the SilkEditor (for Sitecore 8.x) and using the content editor (provided from the extension for re-encrypting content), not the wysiwyg editor. From Sitecore 9.0 onwards, the Rich Editor Advanced has been bundled in with SharePoint.
It’s also worth noting that one of the “lazy trick’s” that can be done is to use an iframe to pass data from the parent page to the child page. This is true for Sitecore 8.x, however Sitecore 9.x has made a new approach

SharePoint 2013 List Item Encryption Crack With Key

* Lists, libraries and other document-based SharePoint content
* As little code changes as possible: this is just a single line change; when this line of JavaScript changes, all the rest changes with it
* No list-wide changes required
* No application-wide changes required
* Short, elegant, and highly extensible
* Uses existing JavaScript Encryption Library

Please be aware – The Encrypted List Field (ELF) will NOT work on list views. When enabled on list forms, you will get an error when trying to add a list item.

You must choose between “Custom” and “Image”. Because of the difference in the options, they will produce a different result.

Please note, SharePoint 2013 has a much improved image protection method. Please use the “Image” option.

Adding an ElF to a SharePoint 2013 List – Add an ElF to any list
* Open the list
* In a sharepoint designer page
* Add an ElF to the page
* Input data and save page

2. Install SharePoint 2013 Full Version
3. Copy and paste the webpart into the Web Part page, using this path:[sitename]/pages/[webpartname]
4. Enter your Secret Key in the CryptKeyField
5. Save the page
6. Add the ElF to your list
* Get into the list, expand it
* Add an ElF using the Format Drop Down
* Enter data
* Save the list

Option: 1

Adding an ElF to a SharePoint 2013 List – Add an ElF to a managed list
* Open the list
* In a sharepoint designer page
* Add an ElF to the page
* Input data and save page

2. Install SharePoint 2013 Full Version
3. Copy and paste the webpart into the Web Part page, using this path:[sitename]/pages/[webpartname]
4. Enter your Secret Key in the CryptKeyField
5. Save the page
6. Add the El

SharePoint 2013 List Item Encryption Crack Full Version

This web part is configured at list level on the regional settings.
List Item Encryption (List View Web Part)
To update the web part drag the web part from Central Administration on the list view page.

List Item Encryption is less than the amount of data that is in the database. 
It does not encrypt every field in the database but only those that are configured for encryption.

SharePoint 2013 List Item Encryption Description:
When a user submits data to sharepoint, we mark the input boxes as encryption protected. We then grab the data and encrypt it using either the dll or the standford library, to be determined by the end user’s choice.
The web part does NOT encrypt a SharePoint 2013 list column by default. It is recommended to uncheck the column for data input by the user, which is required to encrypt a column.
It can be an option during the design of the site or you can choose to do it only on certain forms.
When does the Data Get Encrypted? 
The data is encrypted when the user submits the data to the web part. It is then the one time only and each time the data is saved. It can’t be decrypted unless the user gives permission (permissions can be changed on a case to case basis).
When does the Data Get Decrypted? 
You need to have the webpart back on the form(s) that got the data encrypted and the user needs to pick the option to decrypt the data.
If data is encrypted, a checkbox is rendered on the page and will be unchecked when you enter data.
If data is decrypted, a checkbox is rendered on the page and will be checked when you enter data.

I received the following error message in the Url of my site, “The file could not be displayed because of a problem with the requested URL” and “We’re sorry, but something went wrong.” in IE9 when the computer tries to open the page in IE. In other browsers the error message is, “The security settings for the site are preventing this page from displaying an encrpytion icon” How can I correct it?
I tried to log into the site and removed the Url Rewrite in the Web Part settings, but it is still there in the Advanced Settings of the web part, How can I get rid of the Url Rewrite?

What’s New in the?

• Standford Javascript Crypto Library (JSCS) is needed to implement AES encryption of the List Item’s value as well as to decrypt the value when used in a display item.
• JSCS functions are extended to accommodate streaming and file encryption.
• JSCS is then used to encrypt data using the AES 256 algorithm.
• JSCS generates a random IV for encrypting data that is shared with the Web Part.
• When the Web Part on the page is executed, the encryption key is generated using the shared random IV and its value is copied to a value stored in a hidden field within the Web Part as the encrypted value.
• When the value is decrypted, the decrypted value is displayed on the page.

How I have added this feature in my library?

Following the directions of @RetoBielen I have modify the SPListItemEncryptionWebPart.ascx.cs file to store the shared key in a readable string.
namespace My.SPListItemEncryptionWebPart {
public class SPListItemEncryptionWebPart : SPWebPart {
private string _rawKey = “”;

public string Key { get; set; }

public string strKey { get; set; }

protected override void CreateChildControls() {

// Get a reference to our decryption key
_rawKey = (string)ViewState[“Key”];

// Load the key from the web part’s view state
_rawKey = ReadKeyFromViewState();

private string ReadKeyFromViewState() {
string returnValue;

string decryptedKey = “”;

// Load the key from the web part’s view state
returnValue = (string)ViewState[“Key”];

try {

System Requirements For SharePoint 2013 List Item Encryption:

Windows 10 S (v 10.0.17763), Windows 8.1 / Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8 / Windows Server 2012, Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 SP2
Processor: 1.3 GHz dual core or faster
Memory: 2 GB RAM (8 GB RAM recommended)
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 (1024MB+32MB) recommended (NVIDIA GTX 660 preferred)
Storage: 20GB free space
Screen: 1366 x 768 (1366 x 768 recommended)
How to Install


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