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.Glycosaminoglycan composition of the inner ear in the chinchilla. The main glycosaminoglycans of the inner ear tissue of Chinchilla lanigera were examined. The identification of the fractions obtained after chromatography on Sepharose 6B was based on the values of their specific rotation and behavior during the treatment with fluorophilic reagents. The uronic acid: hexosamine molar ratios were estimated by the method of Markvartova. It was concluded that the glycosaminoglycans of chinchilla inner ear tissue are mostly sulphated.Osmotic sensitivity of the masseter muscle: effects of muscle condition and muscles of different characteristics. The role of the jaw-closing muscles in control of masticatory force was investigated by observing the effect of addition of water (osmotic stimuli) to the masseter muscle in cats. The effects of blockade of the ascending trigeminal fibres were also studied in this muscle. Injections of [3H]ouabain or [3H]daunomycin into the contralateral masseter muscle showed that the majority of the innervation arises from the ipsilateral trigeminal nucleus, with the remainder coming from the cervical spinal cord. Under controlled conditions (injection of physiologically inert compounds), the force-time integral (FTI) of the masseter muscle was enhanced by osmotic stimuli. The magnitude and time course of the increase were the same in muscles with high and low weights. The force response to osmotic stimuli was equally reduced by acute denervation of the ipsilateral trigeminal nucleus or blockade of transmission of the fibres of the trigeminal sensory nerve by injection of tetanus toxin into the brainstem. In contrast to the masseter muscle, there was no significant enhancement of the FTI of the temporalis, which weighs about one-half as much. The force response was not enhanced by osmotic stimuli in muscles in which the sensory innervation was cut in the cervical spinal cord. It is concluded that, although the masseter muscle receives its principal sensory input via the trigeminal nerve, some less direct musculomuscular pathway must be responsible for its osmotic sensitivity. This pathway may use the trigeminal spinal fibres and central neural pathways. The sensitivity to osmotic stimuli is present in any muscle and in muscles with different fiber types, characteristics and innervation. It is not due to differences in




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