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Kudos to Michael Irvin’s Daughter for the good way she has handled her father’s legacy in such a public manner. Also, I’m sure her father is a smart enough guy to know he is no longer relevant and would rather have a more serendipitous life than one that is riddled with negativity and dissapointment.

No man of scarlet or fine linen, black or purple,
And beryl or sapphire or topaz, shall ascend into the heaven of heaven of God;
But he that is clothed in the white robe…

My impression of Steve Jobs was that he was a tightly wound and angry guy. I would expect that others in that same situation (i.e., anger issues) would react the same way.

He obviously had some kind of meltdown while sending that letter or whatever he did that led up to it.

When I worked for the company I was about a year ahead of him and I was shocked and somewhat concerned as my boss was one of his “old friend” and had not mentioned anything. I did not think he had any “issues” but just thought that he was so single minded and focused he was always on a deadline.

One thing I think we can all take from all of this is that every human being is imperfect. We all have our crazy days and we do crazy things. We are human.

To answer your questions–It depends on who you are. Everybody has their breaking points. There was a point in time when we were all just kids and had a ton of life ahead of us. Back then I could handle it all but as the years have gone by I have had my own threshold.

I would say what he is doing is a pretty dumb move but that comes with my personal opinion based on what I have seen over my time in this business.

If you need help, there are a number of guys at HPW who would be great to talk to when you need a little help getting to the root of the problem. If you are a certified tech, I would be happy to help.

I think he is in a very tough spot and I wish him well.

“Every man is in his own proper place; and that is enough.”

Well the information I have is little but it’s from this site 20% Off. Anyone want to


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