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The AutoCAD file format is a PostScript format derived from the EPS graphics format. AutoCAD is one of the most widely used 2D drafting programs in the world.


Autodesk originally called the first version of AutoCAD a “Productivity Suite”. Other applications in the suite include DrawFlow, PaintShop Pro, and MapSource. A number of applications in the suite were cross-platforms between the Apple II and DOS platforms. Drawing was the only application that was not cross platform.

AutoCAD was originally released for DOS on December 14, 1982. It was bundled with the (Original) DWG and DXF file formats.

AutoCAD, DraftSight, and Plotter were originally bundled together in a productivity suite called Intergraph Design Suite. DraftSight is a drawing program while AutoCAD is a CAD application and Plotter is a plotting program.

In 1985, Intergraph Design Suite 1.0 was released. It added a module that allowed its users to draw and edit construction and architectural plans and blueprints. In 1988, AutoCAD Release 1.0 was released on Microsoft Windows.

Autodesk merged with Danish-based company of the same name in 1999. AutoCAD Release 1.5 was the first version released for the new company. It had been written for Windows and was based on the Release 2.0 technology platform. Release 2.0 included many changes and innovations, including:

Streamlined drawing interface based on the GKS (Graphical Kernel System) windows manager.

Ability to edit shapes from all screen viewports.

Ability to save raster images in any screen viewport and retrieve them in a subsequent drawing session.

Ability to cut, copy, and paste groups of objects.

Ability to annotate drawings with shapes.

The New Features ribbon.

A speed-enhancing DPC (Drawing Processor Cache).

An upgraded command line.

On September 20, 2000, AutoCAD 2000 was released for Windows 2000, and on October 15, 2000, for Windows NT/2000.

In 2002, AutoCAD Release 2002 was released for Microsoft Windows. It was the first version to support 64-bit addressing.

Autodesk then acquired AliasSoftware, a group of companies that produced CAD and design software products. AliasSoft Design Review was released in 2003, featuring a graphical review and comparison

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Windows applications

AutoCAD (at versions prior to release 2008) can export DWG, DXF, PDF, and ASCII files in the native format used by AutoCAD for importing and is also capable of importing these formats. In version 2002, AutoCAD was updated to include native support for the new import format from DWGXpress. AutoCAD for Windows is available for use with Microsoft Windows.

AutoCAD LT (at versions prior to release 2008) was launched in 1999 and introduced AutoCAD on the Windows platform. Version 2005 introduced a new solution for schools, the Education Edition. This version includes several tools and features designed to help teachers and students in the creation of 2D and 3D design projects.

AutoCAD Mobile was launched at 2007. AutoCAD Mobile 3D is optimized for phones, designed for use with AutoCAD 2010 and is available for the Android, iPhone, iPod Touch and Windows Mobile platforms. AutoCAD Mobile 2D, was introduced at the end of 2011, and provides native 2D and 3D mobile drafting capabilities. It is optimized for tablets, designed for use with AutoCAD 2010 and is available for the Android and iPad platforms.

In addition, the AutoCAD PC Scheduler application, which was originally a Windows application, was also introduced with AutoCAD 2011. This application can schedule routine tasks on a Windows PC, including the opening, closing, saving, and closing of drawings.

In 2017 the AutoCAD Mobile app was updated with new features that allow users to create and edit 2D and 3D drawings on the iPhone and iPad.

In 2019 AutoCAD Express, version 13.3, was updated with additional productivity improvements and new features including new functionality in AutoCAD modeling.

Mobile tools

From the AutoCAD Mobile app, which is available for both iPhone and Android, the user can create drawings with or without the use of a stylus. Additional functionality is available in addition to the ability to convert 2D drawings and sections into 3D drawings. The user can create and edit 2D drawings, sections, spline curves, arcs, circles and polygons and edit existing drawings. The tool also allows for the selection and editing of points on the 2D canvas and in the 3D view, as well as the editing of existing 3D geometry. In addition, the user can view, export, print, open, send and close drawings.

Notable features

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The president said he was pleased that Susan Rice, his nominee to be the United States ambassador to the United Nations, was the first official to be confirmed in more than 15 months.

“She’s somebody that I have a lot of confidence in,” Obama said of Rice, who was pressed on several issues during her confirmation hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Obama said he still liked Rice but that he was worried about the issues she might confront as ambassador.

“I think it’s fair to say that some folks here thought she would be, for whatever reason, completely wrong for the job,” he said.

“I think she’s going to be the consummate representative of the United States at the United Nations and, as such, is going to have to make some really tough calls.”

He also said he would be watching her performance to see whether she sought to work with the United Nations.

“She may be limited by the fact that she’s a U.S. person. So does that mean that she’s going to try and seek to make the relationship with the U.N. worse? Or does she embrace the relationship with the U.N. and make it work?”

The White House said it was pleased that the Senate was expected to vote on Rice by week’s end.

“I think they have to get on with her,” Obama said.

Rice was a key figure in the scandal over the administration’s unsubstantiated and later discredited assertion that the attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans last September was the result of a spontaneous mob.

She refused to testify on Capitol Hill over the weekend about the attack, which the administration has blamed on an anti-Muslim video and which critics say was an intelligence failure.

There has been speculation that she might be tapped to replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, though Obama made clear that would be up to the Senate.

What’s New in the?

Extendable Connection Options:

Send/receive drawings via an online platform using a Web API or WebSocket. Choose from one of three kinds of connection: create a new, replace an existing, or add a connection.

Enhanced Communication in Standards-based Workflows:

Stay in the loop with history and workflow. For example, show and switch to a previous version of a drawing or pass results to another drawing.

Edit Blocks:

Create, delete, and move blocks at the same time in multiple drawings. You can make a small change to a block in one drawing and automatically update it in the other drawings, which is useful if you’re working on related drawings in different files or on the same drawing in different sessions.

Customizable Paper Sizes:

Save paper sizes in your drawings. Choose from six paper sizes: letter, legal, tabloid, A4, A3, and custom.

Scale and Position:

Scale and position drawings and layouts. The Scale bar and the 2D Object Snap window appear in the drawing area.

Optimized Using Live Drawing in the Background:

Draw with your AutoCAD drawings in the background and share drawings with others. Drawing in the background means you can keep working on your drawings while sharing with colleagues or passing work along to others.

Raster Scale:

Increase or decrease the size of all raster layers in your drawing.

New Live Drawing Windows:

Create, browse, save, and connect multiple drawings. You can view and edit many drawings at once.

New Copy & Paste Feature:

With new Copy & Paste for the Block Layer, you can quickly move, copy, and paste blocks.

Markup Assist:

The Markup Assisted Editing (MAE) tool now comes with a single-click edit action that adds comments, shapes, and dimensions to your drawing.

Improved 3D Modeling:

Bevel faces with the new Make 3D Model command. Manage 3D layers and textures. Receive multisegmented edges from other applications.

Improved Ribbon Layout:

Multilayered arrangement of task-specific commands on the ribbon. Groups of related commands are now named, and commands have a new layout.

Improved Network Connections:

Connect using a Web API or WebSocket

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

8GB of RAM
300GB of available space for installation
It is recommended that you install Win32 Disk Imager as well for creating a bootable copy of your USB Flash Drive
User Guide:
Click the download link above to download the MSPaint for Windows tutorial guide file
Once you have downloaded the file, read the guide. It is available at the bottom of the tutorial page.
3rd Party Resources
A large selection of stock wallpapers available for download.


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