AutoCAD 2021 24.0 Free Download







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AutoCAD LT is a free, open-source successor to AutoCAD. It is designed as a productivity tool and an efficient subset of AutoCAD to be used in smaller companies, schools, or home offices where there may not be a need for complex 3D modeling tools.

The current version of AutoCAD (2019) is free to use but some premium features are still available for purchase. The latest version of AutoCAD LT (released in 2018) is also free to use.


AutoCAD is a general-purpose CAD program. It has features for computer-aided drafting, mechanical design, building information modeling, electrical and plumbing design, and much more.

AutoCAD is a leading desktop CAD application. It was among the first widely used 3D modeling and drafting tools available to the general public. In the 21st century, it has achieved strong market share and influence in the computer-aided design, construction and engineering industries.

In addition to basic tools for creating 2D drawings and models, AutoCAD can draw and modify complex 3D surfaces, solids, and non-conventional geometric objects. It supports both parametric and non-parametric modeling. In parametric modeling, design features can be specified in several categories (length, height, angle, and more) and a system of rules automatically creates the objects and relationships that define the drawing and model. In non-parametric modeling, the user specifies an object’s shape and the geometry is automatically created. The program can be used to draw any kind of object, including organic and architectural design.

The 3D modeling tools support multi-user environments. They can be used together with project management and documentation tools to coordinate the work of multiple people who use the program over a period of time.

The output of a drawing can be any of the four standard file formats supported by the AutoCAD program (DWG, DXF, PLT, and PDF). Support for other file formats is also available from third-party plug-ins. The output file format is determined by the active drawing and the types of features that the user creates in the drawing.

Since its debut, AutoCAD has evolved to include many advanced features, such as the ability to construct interior spaces, generate revenue-based workflows, and many other time-saving workflows.

AutoCAD can import most of the other applications used in the drafting process,

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AutoCAD models the conceptual space of CAD drawing with various layers.

2D and 3D
AutoCAD 2011 supports both 2D and 3D applications. The 2D version of AutoCAD is the industry standard in the 2D drafting and design industry. This version is also the industry standard for those who wish to design electrical, mechanical and plumbing projects. It has 2D sheet-metal and construction tools.

AutoCAD Architecture uses a 3D representation of building data. The 3D version of AutoCAD allows the user to design building models. It has tools that allow the user to construct building parts. The architectural version has tools to plan, lay out, and style the design.

AutoCAD Electrical uses a 3D representation of electrical circuits and subcircuits. AutoCAD Electrical supports a wide range of electrical information, including electricity distribution, equipment, DC power systems, and power quality. It has tools to design power systems, in particular, switching systems and control systems.

AutoCAD LT allows the user to create 2D drawings only and does not support the 3D format that is part of AutoCAD LT Design Edition.

CAD modelers use the same software as architects. They represent drawing information with many elements and features. Modeling, architectural, civil and engineering (CAE) drawings can be created in AutoCAD. Users create a new model to represent a building, bridge, or other construction project.

A model is made of multiple objects and layers. A model object is any shape that can be manipulated as a unit. For example, you could create a shape with a line, circle, rectangle, polyline, or any other shape, and then group the shape. Layers are like files that contain the information that a designer needs to draw a model. Layers can be any file type, and include things such as text, symbols, dimensions, lines, polygons, and so on. When AutoCAD is used, for example, a circle is created and drawn at a specific location.

An AutoCAD drawing can consist of many objects. For example, in a structural model, the drawing could have walls, beams, columns, roof panels, as well as vertical and horizontal structural members.

Users can also put materials in the model. A different material might be used for a column than for a roof panel. If a design, such as a building, is complex, the drawing

AutoCAD Crack + With Product Key

Run the autocad software
Open the autocad software
Click on file > new
Choose AutoCAD in the menu on the left
Go to the preferences and set your path to C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2017\acad.exe
Choose the language (if you need)
Click ok and ok again
Go back to the settings and set the screen resolution to 1920 x 1080.
Click ok
Click finish and close

Start the autocad software
Click File > open
Choose to open with acad in the list on the left
Click ok and ok again
Go back to the settings and set the size of the new document to 4389 x 2690
Click ok
Click finish and close

Start the autocad software
Click menu > save
Choose the name you want for the file
Click ok and ok again
Click save and close.


Click Tools > Options

Go to the Add-ons tab

Click Settings

Enter the following text into the field and click ok

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2017\acad.exe” –config


The connection to acad will automatically fail without the following configuration settings.

Add-ons tab


Console tab

General tab

To install the acad.cfg file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2017\acad.cfg, do the following:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2017\acad.exe –config

Alternate install

Follow the instructions in step 1 of the alternate install procedure and select your language and keyboard settings.

Press Cntl+Alt+A, and click on the ActiveX icon from the toolbar.

In the Modify dialog box that pops up, on the Version tab, click on Check for Updates.

Cntl+Alt+A again, and click on the ActiveX icon from the toolbar.

In the Modify dialog box that pops up, on the Version tab, click on Check for Updates.

Type into the address bar and press Enter.

Click the

What’s New In AutoCAD?

Multi-graphics files:

Automatically import a file with multiple graphics into your drawings. You can then use these graphics at the same time or use one of them as a master. You can assign properties, layer styles, and other AutoCAD settings to multiple graphics. (video: 1:21 min.)


Create flipbook presentations for web pages and other documents for easy sharing of your content. You can use a “template” or create a new one from scratch. Flipbooks are used for documents such as: resumes, proposals, certificates, invitation flyers, and more.

FlipBooks for Mac:

Create flipbooks for Macs.

Improvements to the Styles Panel:

We’ve given the Styles panel a fresh look with new and improved features. (video: 1:22 min.)

Hide/Show Drawing Tools and Windows:

Remove the items from the Tools palette that you don’t use. Use the Drawing tools, layout tools, select, move, and more. You can hide these drawing tools from the Tools palette if you don’t use them often.

Save Table Styles:

Save table styles by their name, so you don’t have to edit the.TAB file when you create new styles.

Customized Tools:

Create your own toolbars in the Customize Panel of the New Menu.

Unified Setup and New Feature Wizards:

We’ve unified the process for creating new objects and layouts so you don’t have to use multiple wizards to do different things.

Master/Slave Drawing Panels:

Use a new panel called the Drawing panel, in the Master Panel, to work on a drawing that you’re editing and you want to sync with your drawing opened in the Drawing panel on the Slave drawing. Using the drawing panel on the Slave drawing opens the drawing on the Master panel. Use this panel to modify drawing, block, and annotation properties. (video: 1:29 min.)

Raster Graphic Printing:

Access and print raster-based graphics and PDF files.

Updated Online Help:

We’ve updated AutoCAD’s online help and the help content on the CD-ROM to bring you the latest information and answer the questions most commonly asked by users.

Improved Connectivity:

We’ve improved the 3D connectivity.

System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, or 8 (32 or 64 bit)
Processor: 1GHz
Memory: 2 GB
Hard Drive: 600 MB
DirectX: 9.0
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Controller: Dualshock 3 or compatible
Minimum frame rate: 40 FPS
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