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I’m a hyperventilating, panic-driven, love-starved wife who loves to be alone (and have a lot of time to do that) and who loves to write. I’m overjoyed to be a part of the fantastic 2016 Romance Prose “Romance is Better than Ever” anthology.

Here’s some of the most interesting blog posts I’ve read in the past week. Any one of them could have been a great plot for a contemporary romance — but some of them would have been so out of date that nobody would have picked them. (If you have any great hits to share, please let me know!)

Jenny: On Traveling with Children

This has to be one of my all-time favorite posts ever. I love The Grapes of Wrath, just in case you didn’t already know.

By: Jenny

I’m sure many of you have heard the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover.” However, this shouldn’t apply to a book that covers a long term marriage. Sometimes when I glance at the covers of a book, I get the impression that my husband and I are stale, long-suffering, boring, boring, and boring. I want to throw the book across the room or chuck it out the window.

Not all books with a strong cover are full of life and lively, exciting, and super entertaining. Some of my favorite books are ones that have a sombre, dark, brooding look and carry a deadly serious message.

I recently came across this blog post on the website, The Lifestyle and Family Life in the Rainforest. At first, I couldn’t get past the first paragraph. I read the first sentence and practically wailed. “I love my husband.” I LOVE that I love my husband, but not in that way!

The poem has some humour, some pace, and is well worth


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