Solucionario Lineas De Transmision Rodolfo Neri Vela


Solucionario Lineas De Transmision Rodolfo Neri Vela


You can use PHP to parse the requested web page, and then replace the link with the desired location.
function parseUrl($url) {
$urlParts = parse_url($url);
$path = trim($urlParts[‘path’]);
if (substr($path, -1)!= ‘/’) {
$path.= ‘/’;
$query = trim(parse_url($urlParts[‘query’]), ‘/’);
if (isset($query) && strlen($query) > 0) {
$query.= ‘&’;
$path.= ‘/’. $query;

return $path;

$url = ”;
$newUrl = parseUrl($url);

echo $newUrl;


iPhone. Arte e Industria.

iPhone App Contest with the Louvre Museum

The Louvre Museum is looking to get its hands on some Apple iProducts for an iPhone app contest. They’re looking for artistic designers and artists to create 3D images using the iPhone for the Museum’s exhibition on Thomas Jefferson. They are looking for designs that illustrate the story of the birth of America and the collection of Thomas Jefferson’s art in his Parisian home. The juries will have one week to review the entries before the winners will be announced.’use strict’;
angular.module(“ngLocale”, [], [“$provide”, function($provide) {
var PLURAL_CATEGORY = {ZERO: “zero”, ONE: “one”, TWO: “two”, FEW: “few”, MANY: “many”, OTHER: “other”};
function getDecimals(n) {
n = n + ”;
var i = n.indexOf(‘.’);
return (i == -1)? 0 : n.length – i – 1;


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As the pervasiveness of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has increased, tDCS has begun to play a pivotal role in noninvasive treatments and is being established as a neurorehabilitation tool. It has been shown that tDCS induces changes in cortical excitability, especially in patients with stroke, and enhances motor functions in the upper extremity in humans.

Animal models
In this section, we provide an overview of behavioral tDCS studies in healthy animals and four models of neurological disease: stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and ALS.

There are several studies showing that tDCS affects functional recovery in stroke patients, and this effect is related to the duration and timing of stimulation. Therefore, it is important to know how stroke affects cortical excitability. Specifically, tDCS reduces excitability in the left hemisphere in stroke patients, and there is a dose-response relationship. The perilesional cortex of the right hemisphere is unaffected by tDCS in stroke patients.

In a study by Fregni et al., tDCS was applied after 2 h of a single-session of motor training in chronic stroke patients. The motor threshold of the ipsilesional cortex was significantly higher than that of the contralesional cortex. After a single session of motor training, motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were significantly increased in the contralesional hemisphere in both groups, but the ipsilateral MEP was higher in the group that received ipsilateral tDCS. Both groups showed improvements in the upper-limb Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) and Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) scores.

In another study, the authors used tDCS for 20 h/day in chronic stroke patients for 3 weeks in a crossover design. Brain excitability was measured using transcranial magnetic stimulation before and after the intervention. Both ipsilateral and contralesional MEP amplitudes were significantly reduced after 3 weeks of tDCS in the contralesional hemisphere. Similarly, FMA and ARAT scores showed significant improvements after 3 weeks of tDCS in both groups, and no significant changes were observed after 3 weeks of sham tDCS

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Clojure Conditionals: nil vs missing?

In the Clojure ecosystem, is there any difference between nil and missing? If not, when should I use one over the other?
I understand that nil is a value whereas missing is a keyword.


nil and


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