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Finally, call your ISP and insist on a new modem or router, one that has not been modified with any firmware that might enable it to function as a root gateway. If your ISP won’t fix your modem or router, or if they are uncooperative, look into buying your own modem and router. Modems and routers designed to be hardwired to a computer are more likely to be secure, as they will not be able to reach the internet and execute malicious software code if they are already connected to a computer. If your ISP says that you are not eligible for a new modem or router, follow the previous step of finding the manufacturer, brand name, model, and serial numbers of the modem or router. Go to the support forum for that manufacturer, and read any instructions that your ISP gave you to enter that data.

Firhg would be the first hurdle to putting Magisk Manager on your ROM. One user-created Magisk Manager repository exists for the build. If it exists for your build, it will work. If it doesn’t, it will fail and require further steps. If the optional app APK Mirror offers your current build, you are good to go. If not, you’ll need to use the included second-stage Magisk to flash a correct build. To do so, download the app and use it to find the build you want. The zip may open in your Magisk Manager installer, but the best option is to download the app and use it to find the APK.

By default, any application or game that is available to download via Chrome Play is also available via the Play Store. But if you want to install a downloaded app or game directly to your smartphone, you can. This is because Android uses different methods of installing applications and games than you are used to seeing elsewhere in the operating system.


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