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Category:Biology books
Category:English-language books
Category:Human development
Category:Non-fiction books about the United States
Category:Public health books* LOVICZ: Happy holiday – Washington is full of families today. Republicans and Democrats, Republicans and Democrats. But the president and the Congress, they represent the people of our country, and we all want to make sure that our schools are safe, that our hospitals are safe, that our veterans are treated with the respect and the compassion that they deserve.


* CLINTON: This week’s remarks came after Trump accused Hillary Clinton of lying about the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya. She’s now under scrutiny herself in the congressional probe into Trump’s business dealings.


* CLINTON: Here’s a promise to the parents and students of Parkland, Florida. We will be tough and smart. We will be compassionate and we will be resolute.

* TRUMP: So we’re all very different. But I truly believe we can be the generation that ends the epidemic of violence in our schools.

* TRUMP: President Xi Jinping told me that a lot of progress has been made in the fight against climate change and that he’d like to take it even further. And I have one of our leading scientists, Dr. Roberta Kaplan of Columbia University, to underscore that. She’s going to talk about the man-made climate change.



* DEVOS: And I’ll say this: We are proud to be here. And we want to reaffirm everything that we have to offer, the opportunity that America offers to a bright young girl or boy.

* KING: And here in our nation’s capital, we have no time to waste. Every day has been too long and there is far too much work to do. Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves, focus on the people’s business and deliver on the promise of America.

* KING: Today, we honor the memory of President John F. Kennedy. I remember hearing John Kennedy speak during the Vietnam War. And there was a point in his speech where he said, “There were cowards on both sides,” and yet he


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