Prevent Disk Sleep Crack Download

Modern hard disks are set to automatically enter sleep mode (also known as idle time) whenever file operations are no longer happning. This is a method that helps with cooling the physical disk and prolonging its lifespan.
However, if you wish to prevent this from happening, for example if you want the disk to quickly respond to file operations even after remaining idle for longs periods of time, then you can tinker with the built-in settings of your machine to turn off HDD sleep mode.
Keep the HDD awake to prevent file operation delays
If you find this method to be tedious, though, then you can turn to software utilities capable of keeping the HDD awake by creating small-sized files just to be able to mimic user interaction. Such a program is Prevent Disk Sleep.
Designed with the casual user in mind, Prevent Disk Sleep is incredibly simple to use. It can be scheduled to create a plain text document (TXT)  in any disk of your choice, whether it's local or external.
Works with both local and external disks
After a speedy installation that requires minimal intervention, the tool opens a plain window which shows all options available. Once you identify the disk you wish to prevent from sleeping, it's necessary to pick its matching drive letter from a menu, set the disk write interval (in seconds, minimum is 10 seconds), edit the name of the TXT doc that will be created (in order to find and remove it later), as well as click the "Start" button.
The first step is creating the text document with the given name. It's placed right in the root of the selected disk, so it shouldn't be difficult to track down. Unless this isn't obvious by now, Prevent Disk Sleep doesn't create multiple files each time it writes to the disk. Instead, it updates the one document by adding date and time stamps. This is also helpful for logging its activity and finding out the exact time of each disk write.
Creates a text document and fills it with timestamps
Whenever you want to disable Prevent Disk Sleep, simply stop the operation after returning to the main app window. Suffice it to say, the utility has to remain running in order for the disk writes to work. You can get it out of your way by minimizing it to the taskbar. It also has an option that, once enabled, permits the application to autorun at every system startup.
This is where Prevent Disk Sleep's functionality ends. It's definitely straightforward and practical. On the other hand, it offers minimal configuration settings. For example, it doesn't have a setting implemented for scheduling it to write data to the disk at a specified time. Nevertheless, there's plenty of room for improvements in further releases.







Prevent Disk Sleep Crack+

3. Click the 1-2-3 icon in the upper right corner of the window.

4. Select Switch Window Mode.

5. Click OK to save the config and return to the main window.

* The interval can be set from 10 seconds up to 14 days.
* The file name is of the format ‘yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss’

You can also get the app to work on external disks connected to your PC through a USB port, and that’s a significant improvement. This feature is another useful addition to the tool, but it’s also one of the few things it lacks.
Prevent Disk Sleep Description:

5. Click the 1-2-3 icon in the upper right corner of the window.

6. Select Switch External Disk Mode.

7. Select the appropriate disk and click OK.

External hard drive detection
As mentioned in the description for Prevent Disk Sleep, the app allows you to work with hard disks connected through USB ports. It checks whether a disk has been removed from the computer, and if it detects one, it will detect what type of drive it is.
For example, a hard disk connected to a USB port, using an enclosure or case of some sort, would most probably be identified as such in the program. An SSD might also appear as a hard disk.

Prevent Disk Sleep Description:

Click the 1-2-3 icon in the upper right corner of the window.

The current case:

Click the 1-2-3 icon in the upper right corner of the window.

Your current case:

Click the 1-2-3 icon in the upper right corner of the window.

Would you like to create a TXT document on the chosen disk? (Yes / No)

8. After you’ve selected the appropriate disk, click OK.

9. After the operation, the application displays the current case, and there’s a window showing the current progress of the scheduled operation.

Click the 1-2-3 icon in the upper right corner of the window.

The current case:

Click the 1-2-3 icon in the upper right corner of the window.

Current progress in %:

Click the 1-2-3 icon in the upper right corner of the window.

Current progress in %:

Click the 1

Prevent Disk Sleep Crack + Activation Code Free [32|64bit]

Prevent disk sleep is a free application that you can use to put an end to the automatic sleep mode of a hard disk. You can put it to sleep when there are no pending file operations, and it remains awake throughout the day, thereby offering much better performance to your PC. Prevent disk sleep automatically generates text documents whenever it writes to a disk. It does not create multiple text files and thus there is no need to manually find and delete the existing files. It monitors your disk activity and keeps a log of all disk writes in a well-organized manner.


Simple to use with a consistent interface

Supports disks as a local or a network drive

Supports scheduled disk writing tasks

Supports multiple disks

Supports both internal and external disks

Supports multiple languages: English, German, Italian, Greek, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, Hungarian and Czech

Easy to learn and immediately familiar

It is not necessary to manually specify the disk location to be used by the application.

It automatically detects the location of the file to be written.

It allows you to specify the name of the file that will be created

Supports addition and modification of the file name

The size of a file can be specified in megabytes (MB), or kilobytes (KB)

The name of the file that will be created can be specified in the text mode (only for the first writing task)

Supports date and time values for your files, so that you can easily find out the time of the last write to your disk

Logs the disk activity by tracking the writing times

The application can be configured to enable autorun

The application can be configured to run at every system startup

The application can be configured to run in a tray icon

The application can be configured to write all the data it received in the text file to the disk

Prevent Disk Sleep supports automatic recovery from a crash

Allows you to open the application statistics

Allows you to view the application settings

Removes files

Windows only


If you have a disk that has manually turned off HDD sleep mode, you will need to restart your system for the tool to take effect.

Free to use, without any restrictions

Editor’s comments:

The tool that you are looking for is Prevent Disk Sleep, and yes, it is as

Prevent Disk Sleep Free

Prevent Disk Sleep is a free easy to use utility that will help you disable the HDD sleep mode of all HDD and SSD disks at your operating system. It will also log every HDD write it makes to the disk so you can track it back and catch the culprits if you want. It can be scheduled in the system tray.
The most important configuration option is the time interval (in seconds) of the write operation. It’s necessary because we want to prevent disk sleep at the specified time. There’s a list of possible times you can pick from. You can always add some more.

Download and Install
Prevent Disk Sleep is not a free application, but a very small one, under the General category. There is no evidence that it requires a license key.
Depending on your Windows version, the application should be available in the following download:

Windows 7 or 8 users:

[APT package]

Windows XP users:

[MSI package]


Whether you use the MSI or APT package, just a matter of a few clicks and a few seconds and you’re done. After the installation is finished, no further technical measures are required on your part. That’s it.
You will find the application under the Start menu.
Just as other similar utilities, Prevent Disk Sleep was designed to be very fast and efficient.

Enables you to use the HDD as if it were a SSD
Since Prevent Disk Sleep works automatically at system startup, you’ll notice that your disk is always awake.
This results in significantly improved read/write performance of files, directory listings and the entire system. With the installed utility running constantly, you can be assured the disk will always respond to file operations no matter how long the file is being accessed.
Similarly, the hardware itself will be able to preserve more power, resulting in longer battery life.
You can configure this by going to the Settings tab and allowing Prevent Disk Sleep to be managed by Windows.
Of course, don’t expect any speed increases. There is nothing faster than a real SSD and the drives used by the utility are made from several kilobytes of real storage. Nevertheless, Prevent Disk Sleep does deliver a sizable advantage to the user, since it prevents the disk from sleeping.

Prevent Disk Sleep – Free Utility And Configuration

Yet another solution to keep your SSD awake and well-stabilized is Prevent Disk Sleep. This is a free utility, with much

What’s New In Prevent Disk Sleep?

Save your local files from being lost every night when you go to sleep

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Create an anonymous user.
Create an account.
Register an anonymous user.
The user cannot change its own password.
The user cannot change its own password.
Print out a two-sheet invoice
Print out a single-sheet invoice
Select the payment method PayPal
Select the payment method PayPal

Actual application functionality
All the transaction details can be viewed in the application.
Security of the payment method and methods can be changed.
The customer account can be authorized or deauthorized.
The entire transaction history can be viewed.

The support request form is available and accessible by all users.
The support request form is available and accessible by all users.
Configure the system in such a way that the IP address changes automatically when it is changed.
Configure the system in such a way that the IP address changes automatically when it is changed.
Administer and modify services to which the application has been added.
Administer and modify services to which the application has been added.

Schedule a service for automatic execution on a given date and time.
Schedule a service for automatic execution on a given date and time.
Install a Windows service.
Install a Windows service.
Install a scheduled task that is scheduled to run a service or program on a given date and time.
Install a scheduled task that is scheduled to run a service or program on a given date and time.
Create a scheduled task to run any application on a given date and time.
Create a scheduled task to run any application on a given date and time.
The first five applications were made directly through GanttProject. The rest were added later.

The Install and configure your project step allows you to choose the desired components and configure the installation in such a way that the application will be able to run after it has been installed.
The Install and configure your project step allows you to choose the desired components and configure the installation in such a way that the application will be able to run after it has been installed.

The customization has

System Requirements For Prevent Disk Sleep:

– Windows 7 or above
– 2GB of RAM minimum
– Intel Pentium Dual Core CPU
– Intel HD 3000 or above
– DirectX 10 or above
– 1GB of hard disk space (8GB recommended)
Software Requirements:
– Origin
– iLok or Mecurum
– D3XP
Install iLok, VAC and Origin (optional)
1. Download Origin from and install it.


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